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Save Our Children Conference

We are excited to bring together this panel of experts to discuss how our children are being harmed thru:

  • Sex Trafficking
  • LGBTQ Indoctrination
  • Medical Horrors of
  • Transitioning
  • Medical Assault on Children
  • School Curriculum
  • Critical Race Theory

In our breakout sessions, we will provide real-world solutions and action plans that can help turn our country back to God. 

(Click Image for YouTube Video)

Save our Children Conference Videos


Alliance Members

About Us

Pastor Paul Pickern

Pastor Paul Pickern

All-Pro Pastors International

All-Pro Pastors International was founded to help pastors succeed as fathers, husbands, and regular people by being a part of a ‘Champions Table’ where they meet with other pastors across denominational lines for encouragement, prayer, and fellowship of trust.

Website:  allpropastors.org

Dr. Daniel Bernard

Dr. Daniel Bernard

Somebody Cares Tampa Bay

SCTB.org is a network of ministries focused on reaching Tampa Bay with the love of Christ through a host of community needs. Somebody Cares Tampa Bay has reached countless ministers, the homeless, the hungry, and those touched by disaster through prayer, education, and resources. Dr. Bernard is also the author of multiple books, including “The Proven Plan.”

Website:  sctb.org

Pastor Ernie Rivera

Pastor Ernie Rivera

Protect Our Children Project

POCP is committed to protecting the innocence of our children, protecting our rights, preserving the quality of our education, supporting the family, and encouraging community involvement.

Website:  pocp.org

 Brigadier General (Ret) Jim McClain

Brigadier General (Ret) Jim McClain

Citizens Defending Freedom

CDF’s goal is to help us win the battle for the soul of our nation through preserving

our Christian history, equipping citizens to defend their liberty at the local level and providing the legal resources to fight these battles. 

Website:  citizensdefendingfreedom.com

Yvette Gaugh

Yvette Gaugh

Make America Free Again

MAFA was formed in 2020 when our Constitutional rights, religious freedoms, and bodily autonomy began to be violated. They aim to network and educate a new generation, submit groundbreaking legislation, and support the healthcare providers that will make us free again.

Website:  makeamericansfreeagain.com

Dr. Don Hazen

Dr. Don Hazen

United Pastors of America

United Pastors of America is a coalition of pastors dedicated to restoring our nation through a movement within the clergy similar to the famous “Black Robe Regiment,” which was instrumental in founding our nation.

Website:  unitedpastorsofamerica.com

Anthony McDaniel, President

Anthony McDaniel, President

Florida Faith Foundations

FFF is a group of conservative Christians organized to educate, unify, empower, and mobilize pastors and Christian influencers to engage our culture in rebuilding and fortifying our Judeo-Christian values.

Website:  floridafaithfoundations.com

Dr. Kevan Kruse

Dr. Kevan Kruse

Serving Others In Love Ministries

SOIL is a pipeline of vision, education, and resources to the children of Honduras through schools, churches, feeding programs, safe homes, and medical mission trips.

Website:  soilministries.org


Dr. Kevan Kruse

Dr. Kevan Kruse

Executive Director

Dr. Kruse is the founder of the Truth, Faith & Action Alliance and a practicing Chiropractor in Brandon, Florida, for over 30 years. Dr. Kruse is the author of “The Covid Beast” and “Why Did I Say That.” Dr. Kevan is also the president of the board for soilminitries.org, a pipeline of vision and resources for Honduras. Lastly, Dr. Kevan and his wife, Alexandra, are the founders of the “Supernatural Junkies” podcast, which talks about all the “off-limits” subjects in the church.

Dr. Anthony Ponceti

Dr. Anthony Ponceti

Director of Philanthropy

Dr. Ponceti received his Doctor of Philosophy & Theology and Master of Divinity Degree from Jacksonville Baptist Theological Seminary. Dr. Ponceti is the Vice President of SOIL Ministries and has facilitated international mission projects in Brazil, Mexico, Nicaragua, Honduras, Dominican Republic, Haiti, India, and Europe..

Dr. Thomas Dozier

Dr. Thomas Dozier


Dr. Thomas Dozier holds a Master’s in Pastoral Counseling and a Ph.D. in Theology. Dr. Dozier has been pastoring since 1996, when he founded “The Word of Grace and Truth Ministries” and “Grace & Truth Christian University” in Tampa, Florida. (wogatministries.com) Dr. Dozier has dedicated himself to building up God’s kingdom through education so that minds might be renewed, lives reformed, and God be glorified. Dr. Dozier is also the co-host of the “Supernatural” Junkies podcast.